Mental Health Screening in West Chester PA
In a town with so much going on, it’s important to keep mental health in check. Get a head start with PROmotion!
A mental health screening in West Chester shouldn’t be hard to find. Whether you’re a student, professional, or athlete, no mental health should go unnoticed. That’s why here at PROmotion Health LLC, we’ve created a system that allows for easy access to mental health screenings. With physicians, teachers, coaches, or athletic trainers using PROmotion, mental health screenings are widely available to all of their patients or students.
If you’re a provider, all you have to do is purchase a license, and you’ll have access to our preloaded survey library. There’s a survey for every type of situation, so we’re sure you’ll find something that works for you.
So how can you use PROmotion? Check out the sections below to learn more!
Mass Mental Health Screenings in West Chester Athletes
Having a university located in town, there is no shortage of collegiate athletes. The amount of stress athletes are put under can sometimes lead to underlying mental health conditions. As a coach or athletic trainer, you want your athletes to be in the best condition possible. With PROmotion, you can know for sure!
Mental health screenings in West Chester have never been so easy! With the purchase of a license, you’ll be able to conduct mass screenings to all of your athletes, ensuring that they are healthy. PROmotion doesn’t stop at simply mental health screenings, though. We provide physical health screenings as well. PROmotion provides physical health screenings such as:
- Baseline Screenings
- Post-Injury Screenings
- COVID-19 Screenings
- Wellness Surveys
- Pain-Scale Screenings
- Concussion Symptom Tracking
With all of these options, you’re sure to know that your athlete is in good health and ready for the season.
Mental Health Screening in West Chester Not Just For Athletes
Mental health screenings in West Chester are not just for athletes. Although PROmotion offers many screenings and surveys relating to the world of sports, it is not exclusive. If you are a teacher or physician, PROmotion may be right for you too.
Students are a common demographic in the West Chester area, and even if they’re not athletes, academic stress can be just as challenging. Using wellness screenings as well as mental health screenings can be beneficial to both teachers and students. This way, both parties know how well they are doing, and if further help is needed.
The same goes for physicians, PROmotion is not just limited to students and athletes. Physicians can use many of the PROmotion screenings and surveys in an appointment setting, gathering information from their patient in a concise and simple way.
Mental Health Screenings Have Never Been So Easy – Contact Us Today!
Do you want to do your part in making mental health screenings available to everybody? If so, PROmotion is for you. Mental health screenings in West Chester should never be hard to achieve.
We believe in promoting good mental health in everybody, so choose PROmotion to play your part. Contact us today!